We have a couple things to say – first, we’re excited to announce the nominees for our Story of the Year Contest!

The editors picked five stories that were our favorites of the year. These are stories that each showcase the visceral, open nature of live lit and demonstrate how the art of performance is pushing creative nonfiction in exciting new directions.
So who wins? It’s up to you. You read, you vote, you decide.
Voting takes place now through Monday, January 1st, at noon. We’ll publish the results on Tuesday, January 2nd. Winner gets $100 and goes down in history as our final Story of the Year winner!
The second thing that we have to say is that running Story Club Magazine has been a labor of love for the past six years. In that time we’ve published more than 175 stories from over 100 different storytelling shows. We love this work, and we value this work, we’ve learned so much from this work, but we also recognize that this work has, for us, come to an end. Finding a way to pay authors without engaging advertising is tricky. We tried to pivot to a audio-only model so as to no longer require publishing rights, but overall we’ve realized that we both love to pay authors for their stories and also we’ve run out of funding for the magazine. We’ve decided to cease publishing instead of perpetuating a system that does not pay creators for their art. Thank you for your support, your work, your stories, and your love. We’ll keep the site on-line for the foreseeable future so authors may continue to have live links to their published work.
With the sad news out of the way, let’s move on the happy news: one of these authors is going to win $100! Take a look at their work, and vote at the bottom of this post.
The nominees are:
Why I Don’t Use Arnica by Théodore Pavlich
Kissing Backwards by Julie Marchiano
Orange by Karen Clanton
Bodies by Brooke Allen
He Said It’s All In Your Head and I Said So Is Everything but He Didn’t Get It by C. Russell Price