Hats | Michele Carlo

“Christmastime, glasses clinking! ’Cause its time to start drinking! A beautiful sight: this bottle so bright! Walking in Coquito Wonderland. Go away, Borden’s eggnog, champagne punch and Swedish glogg… …what I have right here, is Latino cheer—walking in Coquito Wonderland. In a blender you can put some vodka—only if you want a bellyache! Take a tip from Carmen, you’ll be smarter…to add as much dark rum as you can take! Have a shot—you’ll be smiling. Not too much, or you’ll […]


Ghost Writer |Daniel Guzman

Editor’s Note: “Ghost Writer” was first showcased at No Name @ Word Up – Super Storytellers Edition Her name was Emily (not her real name). We met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the end of my university studies, the end of my art school days. Four years of conceptual art classes, intense writing projects, filmmaking projects… Four years of being surrounded by competitive, creative people determined to make a name for themselves. College is that time where you are trying to […]

Telephony Data and Other Intelligence Failures| Michael Maiello

Your iPhone always knows where it is, but you don’t always. Your cellular service provider always knows where your iPhone is. But you don’t always. The National Security Agency and various other government agencies operating under the rubric of the Directorate of National Intelligence always know where your iPhone is. But you don’t always. IPhones have a way of slipping from my grasp, often in the presence of alcohol or other drugs. They are just so fun to play with […]