A Christmas Miracle | Julie Cowden-Starbird

This is a story about Christmas. This is a story about my grandmother. This is a story about her unfailing trust and love. But it’s mostly a story about what a badass she is. December of 1996, my sophomore year of college. It was the last day of finals before Winter Break. I was excited to go home and see my family and take a well-deserved rest from the rigors of my class load. But I was more excited to […]

Not About Me | Sheri Reda

True personal stories are usually about the people who tell them. This one, though, is a story I only thought was about me. Later, I found out it was someone else’s story, though I’m the one left behind to tell it. PART I – Lincoln Square I live in Lincoln Square. When I say that these days, you know what that means. It means Sulzer Regional Library and the renowned Merz Apothecary and Meyer’s Deli, with its delightful rooftop garden. […]

Eulogy for Frankie | Dani Bryant

I have known the most amazing dog that has ever lived. I understand that you might be offended by this controversial statement, because you believe you have known the most amazing dog that has ever lived, but this is not a conversation. I’m just stating a fact. The truth. Frankie The Dog (her formal name) was a ten-year-old- neurotic and strange black Labrador retriever and on one winter’s day I arrived home from work to find no Frankie – at least […]

cigar box

When She Was Good | Ralph Fredericks

“When She Was Good” was originally performed at Speak Easy in Columbus, OH.  Click “Read more” to watch a video of Ralph Fredericks’ performance. Ralph Fredericks is the scion of snake handlers and moonshiners… debutantes and two bit hookers…dimwits and mystics… storytellers all. He crafts his tales in the nurturing family of yarn spinners and kind listeners that is Speak Easy at Wild Goose Creative in Columbus, Ohio.

Be Conscientious When Using Superlatives | Scott Stealey

For one summer when I was sixteen years old, I worked at Great America, in a game booth called “The Amazing Alfredo.” You’d give me one dollar and I’d guess your age or weight within three years or three pounds. You’d write one of these numbers down on a slip of paper and hand it back to the Six Flags employee to your right, who is stoned. His name is Chip. Think of Chip as your arbitration counselor and this […]

Origin Story | Ruth McCormack

Some superheroes are ordinary citizens, transformed by chance into defenders of peace and justice. You know, your Spider-men, your Incredible Hulks. Some are born to a life of heroism, like Superman or Harry Potter. Some undergo a terrible trauma and vow to seek revenge, like Batman or the Punisher. As a child, this sort of career didn’t seem that far out of reach. Not that I couldn’t distinguish fantasy from reality, but I had an acute sense of fairness, strong […]

Who’s Watching the Parents? | Jason Pittman

So, I have just completed 10 years as a public school teacher in Washington, D.C. Don’t clap, actually, because I just quit. It was a difficult decision. I hated leaving a lot of my students.I had a student when I was a very young teacher. Ryan, in the middle of my lessons, would conduct these very wild conversations between his thumbs — who spoke their own thumb language.

You Fail | Joe Janes

 I teach Improvisation at Columbia College in the Theatre Department. While it is a required course for many theatre students, it is one of the easiest classes ever. It is creative gym. You don’t even have to improvise well. If you show up, participate, and do the two writing assignments – short essays that include the favorite hyphenate of every college student, double-spaced – you will pass. The only way to fail is to not show up. The university policy […]