evil twin

Evil Twin | Tekki Lomnicki

They say that everyone has a twin somewhere in the world. And you always see bad made-for-TV movies about these unsuspecting doppelgangers, where one is some movie star, CEO, or just plain rich person and the other is a real loser and ends up impersonating the other twin and totally screwing up the poor schmuck’s life. I actually thought I was safe. That no one in the universe could possibly look like me. Wrong. I met the bitch at a […]


Bad Move | Keith Ecker

I had fallen out of love with my roomy one-bedroom Ravenswood apartment. Though nestled on a quiet street, the surrounding area was a wasteland whose epicenter of culture was a 24-hour Dunkin Donuts. Also, my kitchen had become a haven for fruit flies. There were literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of them. Despite my attempts to commit genocide, they managed to reproduce and avenge their dead by flying into my nostrils. Tired of subsisting off of donut holes and flies, I […]

Lost | Alan Neff

One day you wake up, and you’re a little old man. You think it’s worse than waking up a cockroach because it’s ordinary. It means you’re ordinary. You didn’t believe it would happen, and you aren’t ready for it. Demoralized by your decrepitude, you decide to go on a road trip with your best friend Ed. You want a freeway cleanse, an interstate detox. Ed lives in Portland, Oregon. He’s driving to Portland, Maine and back again. 7000 miles in […]

Bathrobes and Chakras | bokeen

After two and a half years of dating Charlotte, it was becoming difficult to give a shit about the things she found important. We had been living together for about eighteen months. We kept different hours. I worked a nine-to-five job. She might roll out of bed at noon and do some freelance writing over a late breakfast. Then, she’d smoke some bud and watch the Oprah channel for the rest of the afternoon. I’d often find her loafing around […]


Ghost Writer |Daniel Guzman

Editor’s Note: “Ghost Writer” was first showcased at No Name @ Word Up – Super Storytellers Edition Her name was Emily (not her real name). We met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the end of my university studies, the end of my art school days. Four years of conceptual art classes, intense writing projects, filmmaking projects… Four years of being surrounded by competitive, creative people determined to make a name for themselves. College is that time where you are trying to […]

Library of Great Music | Patrick Gill

For Tom and John Gill, and Henry Hopkins. A bit over ten years ago, I bought my first record, the English Beat’s “I Just Can’t Stop It,” at Street Light Records, Pacific Avenue and Elm, Santa Cruz, because ska never dies in California. Fresh to Two-Tone sounds, without racial or political contexts, having no idea who they were talking about when they asked Margaret to stand down, please, stand down Margaret. I almost squealed with joy when the cashier said […]

On the American Side | Dana Jerman

In mid-fall of the year 2003, my then-boyfriend, Kent, and I go to Niagara Falls to try, for closure’s sake, to pinpoint the place where his father jumped in. September of the year before, his dad got into the family mini-van, starting it with a key attached to a “Jesus Loves Me” keychain, and drove away from his home in Buffalo, New York. Putting down the garage door so his wife wouldn’t know right away that he had left, and […]

Telephony Data and Other Intelligence Failures| Michael Maiello

Your iPhone always knows where it is, but you don’t always. Your cellular service provider always knows where your iPhone is. But you don’t always. The National Security Agency and various other government agencies operating under the rubric of the Directorate of National Intelligence always know where your iPhone is. But you don’t always. IPhones have a way of slipping from my grasp, often in the presence of alcohol or other drugs. They are just so fun to play with […]