Hats | Michele Carlo

“Christmastime, glasses clinking! ’Cause its time to start drinking! A beautiful sight: this bottle so bright! Walking in Coquito Wonderland. Go away, Borden’s eggnog, champagne punch and Swedish glogg… …what I have right here, is Latino cheer—walking in Coquito Wonderland. In a blender you can put some vodka—only if you want a bellyache! Take a tip from Carmen, you’ll be smarter…to add as much dark rum as you can take! Have a shot—you’ll be smiling. Not too much, or you’ll […]

Holly Huff Holidays | Kelsie Huff

I grew up in a long line of drunks. And no, not that Russell Brand kind of drunk. “Oh yeah, brilliant. Cheers. Let’s all drink Champagne. Oh, dance with me, PUPPET!” No. Charm is for the British and the rich. I come from a clan called HUUUUFFFFFFF; the onomatopoeia serves my people well. We are prone to Old Milwaukee and sucker punches. We are the violent, loud kind of drunk. The best kind! My family is so drunk the police […]

I’m Fine. I’m OK. | Bethany Hubbard

In high school, I got hit in the mouth with a field hockey ball. The goalie cleared a line drive from the center of the field straight into the bottom of my mouth. If you’ve never seen a field hockey ball, they’re solid plastic and can reach up to 100 miles per hour when hit by a stick. The ball slammed into my face, and I immediately covered my face with my hands. “You’re fine. You’re OK,” my teammates said, […]

Naked Camping | Beth Casey

My ex-boyfriend, Warner [1] had actually asked me, “Hey, do you want to go camping?” I was like, “I haven’t been camping in ten years. That sounds really homely. Cool. I’m still just your friend. We’re friends now. I’m not going to touch your butt. I’ll go camping with you. As long as you don’t drink too much and try to touch my butt, we’re cool.” I had already lied to my family about where I was going and told […]

Banned for Life | Taylor Tower

Taylor Tower’s story was recorded live at Story Club Minneapolis. Taylor Tower is a storyteller and teacher based in Minneapolis by way of Montreal. Her writing has been featured on CBC’s WireTap with Jonathan Goldstein and Roman Mars’ Public Radio Remix, as well as on nerve.com and elsewhere. She was thrilled and honored to participate in The Moth MainStage in September 2014, where the audience went wild, just like her mom said they would. She has taught storytelling workshops to students of all ages through […]

Car Trouble | Eileen Dougharty

“Aren’t you nervous about meeting Chuck’s mother?” everyone kept asking me. “Not at all,” I’d reply. Chuck and I had been seeing each other almost a year, and although I haven’t met a special someone’s mother in almost two decades, I’ve got my mom- pleasing moves down. It’s basic stuff, really, moms just want you to be on time and look presentable. They want you to listen more than you talk; they want you to nod knowingly and agree with […]

Counting Down and Watching the Clock | Michele Weldon

During the first week of December, in 2007, I told my three teenage sons that in three weeks I would be having surgery. I didn’t say what for. Not one of them asked any questions. Not one. You would think they would be a teensy bit curious. I think I know why they didn’t ask. The year before I had been diagnosed with breast cancer–caught early, stage one–followed by a lumpectomy and a week of internal radiation. My sons, Weldon, […]

Daddy Issues | Erin Lane

It’s 10:30 in the morning. We’re on the sixth hole of the golf course, and I’m on my fourth beer. It’s a thick 95 degrees. My cargo shorts are wet and sticking to my inner thighs. My father turns to me. “So, have you turned to Jesus?” “What?” “Have you found some kind of religion? That seems to be what all the women in your family are doing.” I’m an atheist. I’m a non-golf-playing atheist who doesn’t function well in […]